Cruise and Sustainability - Sailing Towards a Greener Future

    Cruise and Sustainability - Sailing Towards a Greener Future

    How the Cruise Industry is Becoming More Environmentally Friendly

    Katharina WesselKW
    Katharina Wessel

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    Cruise and Sustainability - Sailing Towards a Greener Future

    The cruise industry faces significant challenges when it comes to sustainability. However, much has changed in recent years, and the outlook for the years beyond 2024 looks very promising. Cruise lines are investing heavily in environmentally friendly technologies and adopting sustainable practices. Let's explore together how modern cruises are becoming more sustainable, what leading cruise lines have planned, and what you as a passenger can specifically do to contribute.

    Why is Sustainability Such a Big Issue in the Cruise Industry?

    For decades, the cruise industry has been portrayed in the media as synonymous with excessive luxury, waste of resources, and one of the most extreme examples of irresponsible tourism with a high carbon footprint. Taking the figures from the German Environmental Protection Agency as a basis, this is not entirely unfounded. A 7-day cruise generates about 0.95 tons of CO2 per person. This is roughly equivalent to what an average car in rural areas emits in a year. Does this mean we should stop cruising and our next cruise vacation is sunk?

    Not at all! In the following paragraphs, we'll show you why you'll soon have no reason to feel guilty about your next Royal Caribbean vacation and why the cruise industry is well on its way to implementing sustainable travel.

    Innovative Technologies for More Environmentally Friendly Ships

    One of the most important factors in implementing sustainable cruises is the development of new technologies. Just as the automotive industry is progressing from gasoline engines to electric motors, technological change is also making its mark on the construction of cruise ships. The desire for more sustainability is the main driver here. So what's currently happening technologically in the cruise industry?

    LNG as a Clean Fuel

    Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) has become a familiar term to many, especially since 2022. LNG refers to liquefied gas, which mainly consists of methane. It is extracted in large quantities from natural gas. LNG reduces CO2 emissions by up to 20% compared to conventional ship fuels, making it a major driver in improving the environmental balance of cruise ships. Cruise lines like Royal Caribbean (for example, the Icon of the Seas) and Carnival Cruise Line have already introduced LNG-powered ships into their fleets.

    Shore Power Connections for Clean Ports

    Cruise ships need to continue drawing energy for onboard operations even when docked in port. This often still happens in the same way as on the high seas - with fuel. But there are already ways to improve the environmental balance and, above all, reduce CO2 emissions in ports and cities. Modern cruise ships can now be connected to shore power in many ports. This allows the engines to be switched off in port, drastically reducing emissions and noise. According to the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), over 70% of all cruise ships will be equipped with shore power connections by 2028.

    Advanced Wastewater Treatment

    Cruise ships are often criticized for polluting ports and seas with contaminated water through their wastewater. Even if this may have been the case in the past, this has completely changed for quite some time now. Today's cruise ships have state-of-the-art treatment plants that purify wastewater to a level cleaner than seawater itself. The treatment facilities are now so good and efficient that they far exceed international requirements, making the cruise industry a pioneer in wastewater treatment.

    Sustainable Practices on Board

    Waste Management and Recycling

    Many cruise ships have implemented comprehensive recycling programs. Some ships can recycle or reuse up to 100% of their waste. As a passenger, you can support these efforts by using the recycling facilities on board. Often, these are then processed in the port and handed over to local disposal companies. Legally, for example, organic waste can also be disposed of in the sea at a distance of about 6km from the coast. This is often practiced with food waste, which then serves as food for the local biosphere.

    Focus on Energy Efficiency

    Cruise ships can become significantly more efficient not only in propulsion. The entire technology and electronics of the ships are becoming more efficient and optimized for sustainability from generation to generation. New ships, in particular, are sometimes up to 40% more efficient than older ships. From LED lighting to energy-efficient air conditioning systems - modern cruise ships rely on numerous measures to save energy. You can also do your part by saving energy in your cabin, e.g., by turning off lights and air conditioning when you're not in the room.

    These are the Most Sustainable Cruise Lines in the World accroding to the NABU Sustainability Ranking 2023

    • Havila Voyages: Havila Voyages is revolutionizing sustainable cruising along the Norwegian coast. With their state-of-the-art fleet of four hybrid ships, the cruise line is setting new standards in environmental friendliness. The ships can run purely electrically for up to four hours, which is particularly advantageous in the sensitive fjord areas. Innovative technologies such as large batteries, shore power connections, and an optimized hull design significantly reduce the ecological footprint. Thanks to these efforts, Havila was recently named the world's most environmentally friendly cruise line by the German environmental association NABU.

    • Hurtigruten: Founded in 1893, Hurtigruten is a Norwegian cruise line known for its authentic coastal voyages and expedition cruises, with a strong commitment to sustainability. The company uses innovative technologies such as hybrid drives and battery technology to reduce emissions and has set a goal to launch its first completely emission-free ship by 2030. Hurtigruten has banned single-use plastic on board, uses biogas from organic waste as fuel, and engages in research projects to protect the regions they visit. With their comprehensive approach to sustainability, from using local food to educating guests, Hurtigruten is setting new standards for environmentally conscious travel in the cruise industry.

    • Royal Caribbean: Royal Caribbean International, a leading global cruise line, is strongly committed to sustainability and has recently launched the largest fleet modernization program in its history. The company is investing in advanced propulsion technologies and environmental technology, including LNG-powered ships and shore power connections. Royal Caribbean already has several LNG-powered cruise ships in operation, accounting for a significant portion of their fleet capacity, with more planned in the coming years. Additionally, Royal Caribbean is conducting pilot projects with biofuels and working on reducing methane slip to further minimize their environmental impact.

    Sustainable Tourism in Destination Areas

    Collaboration with Local Communities

    It's not just the ship and operations on the water that are becoming more sustainable. The cruise destinations are also increasingly focused on sustainability. Many cruise lines work closely with destination areas to promote sustainable tourism. They support local projects and offer shore excursions that respect the culture and nature of the region. The focus is primarily on resource-conserving interaction with nature and local communities.

    Protection of the Marine Environment

    While we travel the sea, it is primarily the habitat of billions of living beings and species. Aware of this significance, many cruise companies are increasingly committed to protecting the oceans. They support research projects and actively advocate for marine protected areas. As a passenger, you can contribute by choosing environmentally conscious excursions and avoiding the use of single-use plastics.

    Here are Five Tips You Should Follow as a Passenger for a Sustainable Cruise

    1. Before booking, research which cruise lines work sustainably and how they plan to further improve environmental protection.
    2. Use recycling facilities on board. Even if it's sometimes not the most convenient way, it's the right way. Every passenger counts!
    3. Save energy in your cabin. Sometimes it's the little things that make a big difference. Turn off lights and air conditioning when you're not in the room.
    4. Prefer local and sustainable products. This not only strengthens the local economy but ensures that more businesses focus on sustainable products.
    5. Respect the nature and culture of the places visited. Even if you as a passenger can't contribute much, you can at least take away the experience and the realization that we all need to work together to save our planet.

    The Future of Sustainable Cruising

    The cruise industry is continuously working on innovative solutions for more sustainability. From researching alternative fuels like hydrogen to developing even more efficient ship designs - the future of cruising is getting greener. And as consumers, we are the biggest factor in accelerating this development and showing companies that this is the right path.

    Conclusion: Sustainable Travel at Sea is Possible!

    Cruises and sustainability don't have to be contradictory. With the right technologies and a responsible approach, we can enjoy the beauty of the world's oceans while minimizing our ecological footprint. As a conscious traveler, you have the power to contribute to a more sustainable cruise industry through your decisions and behavior. So, what are you waiting for? Plan your next environmentally friendly cruise and discover the world in a sustainable way!

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