Privacy Policy

    Privacy Policy

    Table of contents

    Collection and Processing of Personal Data

    When you use our services, we collect the following data:

    • Personal data (e.g., name, address, email)
    • Information about your company
    • Other relevant data for generating business documents

    This data is used exclusively for the purpose of generating the requested documents and processing payment transactions.

    Data Sharing

    To generate the documents, your data may be forwarded to third-party providers located outside the European Union to create the desired documents using artificial intelligence. These third-party providers are obligated to treat your data in accordance with the standards of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

    Your Rights

    You have the right to:

    • Request information about the data we have stored about you.
    • Correct inaccurate data.
    • Delete data.
    • Restrict data processing.
    • Data portability.
    • Object to certain data processing measures.

    Please contact the responsible party mentioned above to exercise your rights.

    Data Deletion

    Unless otherwise agreed or legally required, your personal data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer necessary for achieving the purpose of processing.


    We take all necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of your data and protect it from loss, misuse, or unauthorized access.

    Changes to the Privacy Policy

    We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy to adapt it to changed legal conditions or in case of changes to the service and data processing. The amended terms will be sent to users via email and published on the website.

    Responsible Party

    The responsible party for data processing is:


    If you have any questions about data protection, you can contact us at any time.